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  • Nate Chapman

What A Day

February 5, 2020

Hey everyone,

What was already planned to be a busy day today got even busier. Last night right after the update Olly began experiencing a new type of what we all think is a seizure. In a very short period of time about 7 hours we had 20-30 of these seizures. So needless to say no one slept very well last night.

Olly did a pretty good job of sleeping between nurses and doctors most of the day. They have actually tried their best to come in together so we have had few interruptions allowing for better snoozing. Today we saw neurology (that was one of the additions), pulmonology, wound care. Not a whole lot of news to report. All of this happened before 3:00 pm.

What seemed like a good productive day quickly flipped upside-down. At about 6:00 pm tonight we got to experience something new. The decided that Olly breathing was too labored and we got to see the Rapids Response Team in action. Let me tell you it is impressive, within 5 minutes we had 20 people in Olly’s room. There was lots of talking, lots of things going on. In the end Olly is in a better spot now then she was when the team was called. Her coughing has calmed down some and she is getting some rest now.

They are checking for all sorts of things, RSV, Influenza and a bunch of bacterial and viral infections. Blood has been drawn, nasal swabs done, urine collected (catherders aren’t fun), and Chest X-Ray taken.

Still waiting on more answers. I’ll update more tomorrow at some point. .

Prayers and good vibes are welcomed.

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